What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a pleasant state of mind, similar to daydreaming, in which you become very receptive to beneficial suggestions.The effects are feelings of calmness, tranquility and profound relaxation.You will not actually be asleep or unconscious. You will always be aware of your surroundings, but you’ll easily disregard the normal elements of the environment. You will always remain in control and be able to awaken yourself at any time. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis. If you are left alone, the absence of the hypnotist’s continued dialog will cause you to come out of it.You cannot be hypnotized against your will. If you do not want to experience hypnosis – you won’t.
Benefits of Hypnosis!
A wonderful quality of hypnosis is that you can be taught to use it by yourself, anywhere, at will and without complicated props or procedures. This fact makes hypnosis and its benefits readily available for any circumstance, at any time throughout your life. Hypnosis can be used to further any human endeavor. With hypnosis you can:*
Develop and express awareness and intuition.
Feel worthwhile, self-confident, satisfied, zestful…
Gain a happier home life; become a better spouse, partner, parent and/or friend.
Acquire the ability to relax completely in any situation.
Make better decisions and make them more quickly and easily.
Improve concentration.
Overcome procrastination.
Elevate the quality of your life.
Reduce conflict and stress.
Promote health and well-being.
Stop unwanted, unhealthy habits.
Achieve and maintain your desired weight.
Regain your natural ability to sleep easily and soundly.
Sell yourself, your ideas and your services with confidence and enthusiasm.
Increase your productivity.
Increase your income.
Attract, maintain and nurture mutual, healthy and worthwhile friendships/relationships.
Discover your negative patterns and how they negatively affect you.
Transform negative and unhealthy beliefs.
Reframe and overcome past challenges
Free yourself from fear, resentment, hostility, guilt and shame.
Determine your goals in life; chart your course for their realization.
Program your mind with positive mental concepts and success attitudes.
Learn to create and manifest what you want in and from life.
Develop the ability to construct mental images easily.
Celebrities who have used hypnosis:
Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'neal, Tiger Woods, Orlando Bloom, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Ashton Kutcher, Jack Nicklaus, Ellen Degneres and many more!